Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Well, obviously today was Halloween! It was a great day!! I went in to Brynn's school and helped out for the Halloween parade. I was soooo proud of Brynn because she was so nervous to walk across the stage for pics and she did it!! All by herself!! For us that is a huge accomplishment!! Brynn was dressed up like a skunk and I was animal control. After the parade I headed home to work for a bit til I had to pick Brynn up from school. She took a snooze so she wasn't tired for trick or treating. Keith got out of work early and we ordered pizza and wings for dinner. After dinner we headed over to Evangel church for some trunk or treating. They had a bounce house, pony rides and a horse drawn carriage. We had lots of fun! Nani kept Brylee home since she was gonna need to eat. After that we went to a neighborhood and trick or treated a bit and then headed off to you yearly tradition....the last day of Paulter's season(our fav icecream shop). Now we are home...Brynn is in bed...I'm ready for bed...and Brylee is ready for her last feeding before bed. Then it's off to bed!! So, it was an overall good day! Lots of fun had by us all! Guess that's it for today. More tomorrow.

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