Monday, October 20, 2008


Well, today didn't start out too great. Brynn had a meltdown before school. Just what I need esp when Keith is away! (not that I need it any day) But, the day got better as it went on. My mom and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and found a rug for my living room for $14.99!!! It's a bug improvement from the nasty stained one that was in here!!

So, I haven't told Keith that I got it. I wanna surprise him when he gets home. Hope he doesn't mind that I threw the old rug out! My mom and I got the old rug up and out the front door and my dad hauled it out to the trash tonight. The evening was very good. Brylee was a little fussier than normal but still not bad. I think she may be working on some teeth. Brylee and I went up to tuck Brynn in to bed. I set Brylee next to Brynn to go get the kids devotion book we read most nights. This is what I cute! Love these moments!

So, we finished putting Brynn to bed and came down so Brylee could eat. She had her bottle and went to sleep. I was able to get some laundry and things done. That was nice. Then I took Brylee up to bed. Today is a big day (at least I think it is). Brylee is sleeping in her crib not in her bassinette tonight! It's bittersweet. She is my baby (and I prob won't have anymore unless God has other ideas) so, of course, I don't want her to grow up so fast! Yet, I'm so glad that she is healthy and growing! With Keith being out of town, I don't trust myself to carry her up and down the stairs in her "carry me with you" bassinette. So, I figured it was a perfect time to make the change. She looks so small in that big crib! What a little angel!

One of our first "milestones" reached. Many more to come! Well, I guess I should get to bed. Every night I intend on getting to bed early and that's all it winds up being, an intention! So, I guess that's all for today. More tomorrow :-)

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