Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Fun Girls Day

Well, I tried to do this last night but wound up seriously falling asleep at the computer! Guess I needed to get to bed more than blog!! Friday was a great day! It started out with Mandy holding Brylee and her falling asleep on her, something so precious to moms! Then we decided it would be fun to go to Tim Hortons drive thru in our pajamas. Aunt Mandy and Brynn took pics of them freezing on the deck! (there was actually one of all 3 of us too, but it was terrible of me!) Then, Mandy and I headed out to do a teeny bit of shopping before heading over to Jen's house for lunch. We had a nice visit with her! She treated us to subs and donuts...yummy! Then we went over to get "little Mandi" off the bus. We got there a few minutes late, she was already off the bus. But she was still very surprised to see Aunt Mandy. We headed home to get Brynn and Brylee and go to Shannon's for dinner. Had to make a few stops along the was but finally made it over there. Brynn and "little Mandi" had alot of fun playing and the "big" girls had fun catching up. Keith met us there after work and Phil and Jen came over after Jen got out of work. We had a great dinner! The little girls watched a movie and had fun writing on Magna Doodles. Then it was time for Keith to head home with the girls so they could get to bed. We stayed a bit longer and had some good laughs. It was time to go around 10:30 since Shannon had to be up VERY early for work. Well, the timing was perfect because Mandy had found out earlier that day, while checking Melting Pots website, that they had a late night Chocolate only fondue from 11-12. Well, how could we pass that up when we would really be driving right past there to go home. So, you guessed it, we finished our great day with a bang!! Chocolate fondue!!!! It was soooo delicious!! And we had some great laughs!!! Mandy was crying from laughing so hard!! We both had choc all over us! It kept dripping on the table and we kept leaning in it! We really had a great time just being crazy! Can't wait for tonight!!!! Melting Pot for dinner! Yay! Guess that's about it. A fun filled day! Looking forward to shopping all day and more Melting Pot. More prob tomorrow, doubt I'll feel like blogging when I get home. I'll just be a half day behind for the weekend.

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