Friday, October 17, 2008

Pajama Day

Well, today was Brynn's pajama party at school. Of course I forgot to take pics of her this morning in her pjs before school :-( She loved every minute of it. It was so cute, when I dropped her off at school this morning a couple of her friends were walking in when we got by the door. They ran up to each other so excited that they were in their pjs and hugged and giggled. It was so cute to see how she interacts with her friends at school! Little Miss Brylee discovered her voice today! She started talkin awhile ago but it was funny cause it was such hard work and she almost acted as though it hurt her throat to talk. Well, today she discovered the "easy" way to talk. She was talkin up a storm all day!! And the facial expressions were so funny! (that's what she was doin in the one pic at the top) We decided to order dinner in tonight instead of going out like we usually do on Fri. Brynn wanted BBQ wings and thoroughly enjoyed them as you can see in her pics above. I got to go tanning and color my hair after dinner and now its time to give Keith a haircut. Then off to bed!! So much for getting to bed early! Well, that's it for today. More tomorrow :-)

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