Thursday, October 16, 2008

Not much new

Well, no pictures for today. Nothing really exciting to write about. We had a good day. Brynn was very good! She is doing great in school and loves it. Tomorrow is her pajama party at school for her class. They have to earn points for good choices/behavior and they work towards different things(their last reward was a dance party). So, I went to Toys R Us and got her some new PJs to wear for her party. Hers were really getting too small and some of them are too summery to wear to school these days. I got a great deal and when I realized how cheap they were I went back and got more. $5 for PJs....can't go wrong. So, she is excited that she gets to go to school in her pajamas tomorrow. Maybe I'll earn a PJ day for myself for work! That would be fun!! I called today and made the reservations for Melting Pot for the Sat night Mandy is in town. That should be fun! A week from tonight we will be hanging out enjoying some girl time!!! Hopefully we will be out for a coffee or get Timmy's in and just chat away! So, other than some rinning around and grocery shopping, that's about it for today. I'm ready for bed! More tomorrow.

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