Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Well, yesterday was the first day since I started blogging that I totally forgot to write! So, I will write today about what we did yesterday. Thankfully the weather held out so we could go to the pumpkin patch. We went to Badding Bros on Sun but Brylee was eating and didn't wind up in any of our pictures! So, we obviously needed some pics of the baby from her first fall festivities. So, off to the punpkin patch we went. We got some great pics and got a couple small pumpkins. We spent quite a bit of time looking for a good one to carve but they were either too big, not a good shape or had mold on them :-( So, we still need to get one to carve. There is a home down the street from us that sells pumpkins so we will probably head down there to get one sometime. It was a really nice time even though we didn't have alot of time to spend there. Today, nothing too exciting. Did some shopping, of course, what else do I do on my days off! Oh, and actually had a very productive afternoon. My mom and I worked on cleaning up my upstairs. It was a mess to say the least! We moved furniture around awhile ago and when we did stuff got tossed everywhere and I finally got the ambition to do alot of it today, with my mom's help. What would I do without her!!?? Trust me, there is still alot to be done but we made a HUGE dent in it! Brynn's room is done, Brylee's is close to being done, and in the family room you can actually see part of the futon again! I have til next Thurs to find the rest of it. Mandy needs a place to sleep when she is here for girls weekend :-) Can't wait!! It will be so great to just get to hang out without kids and catch up! I did get to go tanning tonight, yay! And got Dairy Queen after. Had to go to 2 different ones cause the one didn't have choc icecream and I wanted a twist cone!! I had my heart set on it so I went to the other DQ and got it!! Now, I am finishing off the day watching the much fun!! It's one of those things where you feel you have to watch so you don't miss anything but get so tired of the BS that goes on! This one is def better than the last one though. Well, I guess that's it for today (and yesterday). Now I'll just wait a bit to see if Mandy is able to IM. If not, off to bed I go. More tomorrow :-)

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