Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fun Day!

She is poopin out!! AAAAH!

Well, today was a great day! First of all, Brynn was awesome getting ready for school today! Second, my mom, Brylee and I went to the mall and found out while we where there that the girls pictures were in that we had taken a week and a half ago! They came out so cute! There is just a couple at the top for you to see. Then I picked Brynn up from school and had a great afternoon and evening. She was in such a good mood and had tons of fun! She helped feed Brylee, played with Chloe and played with Brylee. I got to chat online for a bit which was nice! Then Keith came home from a work dinner and I was off to praise team practice. Brynn wanted daddy to be sure he told mommy that she was a good girl and went to bed good! I also got to go to the electric beach to work on my fall tan, haha! Now, I am about to chat with my bestest friend who I get to see in 2 weeks when she comes to lovely Bflo for a girls weekend with me!!! YAY! Can't wait! So, I will go for today and update you all tomorrow :-)

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