Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday fun

Ok, So it's the end of the day. Lets reflect back. We had a great morning getting ready for school (which is a big deal these days!). Brynn was very excited because we flipped her hair out for school today instead of curling it under. And, we wore our matching t-shirts!! She had a great day in school! She is already counting the days til daddy goes away, dreading that! After school we gave her a haircut to better accomodate the flipping out style :-) Brylee was a very good girl as usual. She is such a good baby and greets us with lots of smiles in the morning! They light up the day! I did some running around and got to chat with Mandy a bit on the computer, an important part of many of my days! Keith worked and came home to take care of the girls so I could go out with the "girls" for dinner, the Sally's 3...Rosie, Pat and my mom and then Theresa (Pat's daughter) and I. We always have tons of fun! Crazy girls!! And tonight we were greeted by Joelle (Theresa's daughter)and her boyfriend Tom with some great news! They got engaged!! Congrats to them! So, that's about it for now. I'm home and getting ready to chat with Mandy again. We are working on planning our girls weekend when she comes in from Florida in a couple weeks. Can't wait!! Bye for now. More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Finding my JOY ~ M said...

That doesn't even look like Brynn! I wish i could have joined your girls night..I miss those days.