Saturday, October 11, 2008

Learning Experiences

Well, this morning we had the Annual Fun Run and Wellness walk for Brynn's school. I was supposed to work but was able to rearrange my appts so I could go. So, all four of us headed up to the high school to register and walk. Well, it was definately a learning experience. Brynn was afraid people were watching her when we were supposed to be warming up. I explained to her that people were more likely to watch her because she wasn't doing the warm ups than they would if she just did them. So, we maid it through the mile walk and at the end Brynn cried because, again, she thought people were watching her. So, we got our water and Brynn got an apple(this info will come in handy later in the blog) and we were heading home for me to start work. So, on the way home I talked to Brynn about the crying thing. I asked her if she saw a group of kids and one was crying who would she look at?? Of course her answer was the crying kid. So, I continued to explain that when she cries she is doing exactly what she doesn't want to happen, making people look at her even more. I said if you were not crying and people were looking at you they would prob be saying that little girl did so good...and if you are crying they would prob say look at that little brat! So, learning experience for Brynn. Then after we got home, Brynn had a major meltdown over changing her pants! Well, we have been trying to figure out what may cause these random fits of rage that she has been having a bit lately and it seems that it may be apples/apple juice that does this to her. We have been thinking back on the past monthe or so and it really seems there may be a connnection there. So, I guess we just try to keep her away for the apples for a git and see if she has any fits of rage! Learning experience for mommy and daddy. Later in the afternoon the girls went over to see Nani and Papa. The girls had fun messing around with Papa. Brylee esp loves her Papa!! After dinner Brian and Jen came up with the kids. Unfortunately Brynn had to go to bed before they got. here or she would have been miserable tomorrow. So, off to bed she went and then awhile later they arrived. We had fun sitting around chatting. Well, once again I am falling asleep sitting here blogging. So, bye for now....more tomorrow!!

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