Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fun with the Family

Well, today was an overall good day. We started out with a bit of Brynn's famous drama over, what else, clothes!! So, as you can see she was punished! We went to church and Brian and the fam came along. After church we decided go to the Badding Brothers Farm. We got to go on a hayride and go through a corn maze and the kids got to play in the cool play area they had there. We had lots of fun and the kids loved the play area!! We decided to get pizza wings and fingers for dinner tonight. Can you tell that Taylor fully enjoyed those!? So, after dinner we got to just hang out a bit and chat. The kids played the wii for a bit. They love that! Then it was bath time and off to bed for some and some did more chatting. Now, it's off to bed for me! I'm really tired and as usual feel like I may fall asleep sitting here. So, goodnight and more tomorrow!!

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