Thursday, October 30, 2008

Still Catching Up

Ok, so Monday was a sad day! Well, at least the morning was! I had to take Mandy to the airport and officially end our girls weekend! We had alot of fun! I"m sure she was glad to get home to the family but I think she enjoyed the break too. Monday afternoon I got to go to Brynn's school and walk with her for their Red Ribbon Walk. It was for SADD which now stands for students against destructive decisions. It kinda includes drugs and other harmful things. So, that was fun! Then her teacher asked me if I could come in on Tues morning and help out with putting their skeletons together. That was fun!!

I was also asked to come in Fri morning and help out with the Halloween parade. So, I was trying to come up with a costume without spending alot of money. I had a red wig and a black cowboy hat and said I could be a funky cowgirl. So, i dared my mom to wear it to church! She didn't but she did try it on! It was Keith's birthday Wed so we had cake. Brynn doesn't like chocolate cake so I got her a scarecrow cake which was vanilla! Too cute! So, we sang to Keith and had some cake. That was about it for the last few days. Nothing extreemly exciting, but fun non the less. Well, I guess I'm finally caught up! Now I just gotta do today's. So, instead of saying more tomorrow like usual... I will say more later :-)

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