Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bump in the Middle of the Day

Well, another day is coming to an end. The morning was good. Brynn was really good and of course Brylee was. The day was good until I picked Brynn up from school. Today was one of those afternoons! From the second she walked into the caffeteria (where I pick her up in school) the complaining started. She wanted to go over by a friend, she wanted to sit down and on and on. Got to the car and it continued! So, I told her she was gonna take a nap when we got home. She didn't like that at all esp when she found out it was gonna be in her bed and not over at Nani's. So, we got home and she had a piece of bologna and up for a nap. I went up and got her up about an hour or hour and a half later and she was fine! She needed it apparently. So, usually when Keith is away I let her sleep with me, but not tonight. She lost that priviledge when she threw her fits! Learning sucks! Hopefully it will sink in soon!! Good thing is, the evening was much better! Now both girls are sleeping and peaceful. And I am def going to bed early tonight! I am so tired!! So, off to bed I go. More tomorrow.

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