Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Catching Up!!

Ok, so I have quite a bit of catching up to do!! I will start where I left off and try to get current!


So, Sat we got up early and headed out for a day of shopping! We went to Kohls since they opened early and I had some Kohls cash to use. Well, lets just say it was quite a successful shopping trip as you can see. We got there around 9 or 9:30 and didn't leave til 2! We got tons of stuff for not much $$ at all!! After Kohls we headed over to the Galleria and shopped a bit more. We had a pretzel dog on the run in order to maximize our shopping time! After that we headed home to get ready for our big night out at the Melting Pot.

We had a great time at dinner!! After dinner we went to Coyotes for some dancing! They had a band and in between sets a DJ. We liked the DJ better for dancing music but the band wasn't bad at all!


Mandy and Brynn made some hot dogs wrapped in crescant rolls for part of our spread for the Bills game. Mandy's grandma and Phil and Jen came over for the game. Phil and Jen made some great dips for the spread! After the game we went to Jennifer and Brian's house for a quick visit. Then Mandy and I headed over to Phil and Jen's apt to watcha movie and have some nachos. Needless to say we were all so whooped from all the late nights we all crashed out during the movie! So, we headed home to get to bed. Guess I will catch up on the rest tomorrow, hopefully! It was a great girls weeked, that's for sure!!! More tomorrow.

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