Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Beautiful Fall Day

Well, Today was a beautiful fall day! It started out a bit chilly but turned out to be a great day to play outside. This morning I got to go to Brynn's school to attend the book fair. It was fun to get to experience a very small part of her day at school. We got lots of cool books that hopefully soon she will be able to read to Brylee. Brynn had lots of fun playing with her friends that Nani watches. She misses playing with them everyday now that 3 of them are in kindergarten this year. Times change and it is an adjustment to not see them everyday. It's fun for her on days Nani watches Austin and Lindsay because Austin comes home from school with us. Brylee had a good day. She threw us for a curve ball and decided to eat at 4:45am today. We are very spoiled with her and usually get to sleep through the night til at least 6am. She really is a happy girl and just love her smiles! Not much different with Keith. He worked as usual and is busy getting the praise service ready on the computer for church Sunday. He also fiddles around with updating the church website. Keeps him busy! I got to go to the electric beach tonight with mom. That is always a nice power nap! We of course watched the debate tonight and that has finally come to an end.....thank God! I can't wait til this is all over for another few years! Oh well, I guess that's about all for today. Nothing too exciting.

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