Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Daddy Came Home!!

Well, today was a good day. Brynn had a good morning getting ready for school, which is always a bonus! My mom and I went and got some groceries at Walmart, we spend half out lives there!! This afternoon I was able to go volunteer in Brynn's class which was lots of fun! We made skeletons out of Q-tips. They are learning about skeletons in class. It was lots of fun getting to know faces of the names I hear about. They were so cute and excited to have "Brynn's mom" in class. It was nice getting little hugs and hearing "Can I come work with you now?". I'm looking forward to being able to go in again. Oh, and Brynn got a Spotlight award for her coloring today. Mrs. Tripi, the class aid, started the award to try to get the kids to take their time coloring. So, Brynn got one of the 2 or 3 given out! We brought Austin home and Brynn played with him and Lidsay til they had to go home. Then we had some dinner and got ready to go to the airport to get daddy! Brynn was excited of course (so was I). So, Brynn and I headed out with her picture that she made for daddy (picture above) and Brylee stayed home with Nani so she could have her bottle. His flight was on time and we got his luggage and headed home. Daddy stayed home to put Brynn to bed after going on Webkins with her for a bit and I headed out to Praise Team practice at church. Now I'm hopefully gonna go tanning before cleaning up a bit for Mandy's visit. Gotta get her room ready :-) Tomorrow is the big day! Can't wait! Ok, guess that's all for today. More tomorrow.

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