Sunday, October 19, 2008

An Overall Good Day

Well, today was a pretty good day. We had church today so Brylee wore her new dress and hat! SO stinkin cute! I used to put Brynn in hats once in awhile too and I loved them on her too. After our morning church we had to take Keith to the airport to go to Virginia for a couple days for a conference for work. Brynn had a bit of a hard time with daddy leaving! Then the girls and I went back for the afternoon service. Came home this afternoon and hung out for a bit. Then, after Papa came home from his meeting, we headed out to Pautlers (our favorite icecream spot) for some dinner and icecream. It was yummy as always! I got the girls to bed with some help from Nani. She watched Brylee so I could give Brynn a bath and tuck her in to bed and by the time I came back down Brylee was out. Daddy called just in time to say goodnight to Brynn. Then the adults got to watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition, one of our favorite shows! Funny thing, while we were watching TV someone knocked on my front door! For those of you who have been to my house you know we barely ever use our front door! My dad answered it and it was someone dropping something of to him. They didn't realize it was the wrong side of the house. Well, I'll tell you what, if my parents weren't over here I would have absolutely freaked out when they nocked! Chloe was going nuts of course! Anyway, it was kinda funny and I was so glad they were over here. So, I talked to Keith for a bit and got Brynn's lunch made and now sat down to do my blog. I think I'm gonna try to get to bed a bit early tonight. So, guess that's it for today. Not too crazy exciting. More tomorrow.

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