Sunday, November 2, 2008

An Uneventful Weekend (kind of)

Well, our weekend was really nothing too exciting. Sat morning I was going about getting ready for the day and looked over and above is what I saw on my couch! She is sooo stinkin cute! I worked Sat morning for a bit. My mom watched the girls so Keith could help my dad get ready for winter outside...they got the snowblower ready, got the summer stuff put away and the garage cleaned up. After I was done working it was off to the Dr for Brylee's well visit and next round of shots. (My mom went with me since Keith and my dad were still busy in the garage). She had to get 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine. She did pretty well but she doesn't like to breathe when she is crying from shots. She made the nurse a bit nervous (she did last time too) because she was holding her breath and turning funny colors! I blew in her face and sat her up and calmed her down so she could do the last shot. While we were there, before Brylee got hers, Brynn got her flu shot. She wasn't too thrilled at the idea but she did pretty good. We explained that it was to protect her little sister since she can't get th flu shot yet. I think that helped a little bit. I wasn't sure how Brylee would be after her shots. The nurse said she could be a bit fussy and irritable. Surprisingly she wasn't at all! She did so good! So, last night we went to dinner with my parents. My dad wanted to take us out for our Birthdays, and when dad wants to don't pass that up! We tease him about being a bit tight with his money but he really is very generous when he feels he should be. We had a good dinner and got to watch part of the Sabres game while eating.

Today, we had church as usual. We enjoy going even though it is a bit tough to get out of the house on time....I'm not sure why! We have this problem that when we wake up early we run late(r than usual). It's like you feel like you have all this time and then all of the sudden you're supposed to be leaving and not ready!! Oh well, we made it. Better late than never. After church we came home to change and headed over to Keith's parent's for the afternoon. It's always nice to see them and Brynn esp likes to visit with Grammi and Grandpa (maybe partly cause she is spoiled rotten!!). We headed home around 6 or 6:30 so we could get home and get the girls a bath before Brynn had to get to bed. They took a bath together which was fun for Brynn. She was so excited. So, I tucked Brynn in and came down and got Brylee to sleep after a bit. We watched one of our favorite TV shows...Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Now we are both on our laptops and soon it will be off to bed for mommy and daddy too!! So, an uneventful yet busy, fun weekend. Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Brylee got her new bouncer from Grammi and Grandpa today! We had to put a pillow under her feet cause little shorty couldn't touch the floor! I don't know where she gets the shortness!! I think she will grow to love the bouncer! It's still a bit of hard work for her so she poops out kinda quick.

Well, I guess that's it for now! I think I'm off to bed...gotta adjust to the time change!! More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Finding my JOY ~ M said...

Love the picture of Cleo!!! We are getting ready for winter here too! Turning off the A/C and opening the windows!!!Love ya. Give those cutie's of your a big squeeze from Aunt Mandy!