Friday, October 24, 2008

Girls Weekend Begins

Well, yesterday was an all around good day. Nothing too exciting during the day. I took Brynn to school as usual. She said she had a good day in school but her friends had a rough day, haha, not quite sure what that was all about. I went with my mom to get Ashley from pre-school. Came back and worked and went to pick Brynn up from school. Came home and cleaned a bit and then worked some more. Then got Mandy's bed ready for her and got changed to head off to the airport. Thank goodness I checked her flight status because she got in early! What a great way to start off the weekend! We went right from the airport to Phil's apt. Of course she would wanna see her brother after 3 or 4 months!! I know I would have been anctious to if it was me!! We waited for Phil's girlfriend Jen to get out of work and then headed to Sals for some wings and fingers. After we totally stuffed ourselves we went back to Phil's apt to watch a movie. Probably one of the dumbest cheasiest movie all of us had seen. So, once that was over we headed home. Keith had to come unlock the door for us cause I still didn't get a new house key made for myself. We sat around and talked for a bit and had some water(pic above) cause we were soooo thirsty from the salt from Sals. Then off to bed at about 2am. Great beginning to a great weekend! More later (hopefully, since I'm doing this Fri morn. Wasn't gonna blog at 2am knowing I had to be up at 6:15)

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