Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Well, obviously today was Halloween! It was a great day!! I went in to Brynn's school and helped out for the Halloween parade. I was soooo proud of Brynn because she was so nervous to walk across the stage for pics and she did it!! All by herself!! For us that is a huge accomplishment!! Brynn was dressed up like a skunk and I was animal control. After the parade I headed home to work for a bit til I had to pick Brynn up from school. She took a snooze so she wasn't tired for trick or treating. Keith got out of work early and we ordered pizza and wings for dinner. After dinner we headed over to Evangel church for some trunk or treating. They had a bounce house, pony rides and a horse drawn carriage. We had lots of fun! Nani kept Brylee home since she was gonna need to eat. After that we went to a neighborhood and trick or treated a bit and then headed off to you yearly tradition....the last day of Paulter's season(our fav icecream shop). Now we are home...Brynn is in bed...I'm ready for bed...and Brylee is ready for her last feeding before bed. Then it's off to bed!! So, it was an overall good day! Lots of fun had by us all! Guess that's it for today. More tomorrow.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Birthday!

Well, today was my birthday. It was an overall good day. Brynn has been very good lately! And Brylee has been great too. She has been a bit cranky cause she is workin on her teeth but not bad at all!! So, I dropped Brynn off at school and got Timmy's. Had to come home and work for a bit this morning. Then after work my mom and I went and picked up Brynn from school. We headed to the bank and credit union and then off to the mall! I found what I was looking for but put it on hold til I could print a coupon and go back with that. We left the mall just in time...trick or treatin was about to start! It gets a bit crazy there for that! We came home and Nani made Brynn and I dinner while we watched Camp Rock (Brynn's new movie). Keith had to work late tonight which his boss still has to make up to him! I got Brynn her bath and just before bed she said..."hey, we didn't sing to you!" She insisted that I get the left over cake from Keith's bdau and put a candle in it and she sag to me all by herself!! What a little sweetheart!! Sooo thoughtful. Then off to bed for her and a bit later Keith came home. After a bit he realized they hadn't sang to me and I told him about Brynn. But, he and my mom decided to sing to me again anyway. I crashed out on the couch for a bit and now I'm gonna head up to bed. It was a very nice day and I got tons of Happy Birthday's from all my friends on facebook!! So nice to know you're thought of! Well, guess that's it for today! Nice to finally be caught up! More tomorrow!!

Still Catching Up

Ok, so Monday was a sad day! Well, at least the morning was! I had to take Mandy to the airport and officially end our girls weekend! We had alot of fun! I"m sure she was glad to get home to the family but I think she enjoyed the break too. Monday afternoon I got to go to Brynn's school and walk with her for their Red Ribbon Walk. It was for SADD which now stands for students against destructive decisions. It kinda includes drugs and other harmful things. So, that was fun! Then her teacher asked me if I could come in on Tues morning and help out with putting their skeletons together. That was fun!!

I was also asked to come in Fri morning and help out with the Halloween parade. So, I was trying to come up with a costume without spending alot of money. I had a red wig and a black cowboy hat and said I could be a funky cowgirl. So, i dared my mom to wear it to church! She didn't but she did try it on! It was Keith's birthday Wed so we had cake. Brynn doesn't like chocolate cake so I got her a scarecrow cake which was vanilla! Too cute! So, we sang to Keith and had some cake. That was about it for the last few days. Nothing extreemly exciting, but fun non the less. Well, I guess I'm finally caught up! Now I just gotta do today's. So, instead of saying more tomorrow like usual... I will say more later :-)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Catching Up!!

Ok, so I have quite a bit of catching up to do!! I will start where I left off and try to get current!


So, Sat we got up early and headed out for a day of shopping! We went to Kohls since they opened early and I had some Kohls cash to use. Well, lets just say it was quite a successful shopping trip as you can see. We got there around 9 or 9:30 and didn't leave til 2! We got tons of stuff for not much $$ at all!! After Kohls we headed over to the Galleria and shopped a bit more. We had a pretzel dog on the run in order to maximize our shopping time! After that we headed home to get ready for our big night out at the Melting Pot.

We had a great time at dinner!! After dinner we went to Coyotes for some dancing! They had a band and in between sets a DJ. We liked the DJ better for dancing music but the band wasn't bad at all!


Mandy and Brynn made some hot dogs wrapped in crescant rolls for part of our spread for the Bills game. Mandy's grandma and Phil and Jen came over for the game. Phil and Jen made some great dips for the spread! After the game we went to Jennifer and Brian's house for a quick visit. Then Mandy and I headed over to Phil and Jen's apt to watcha movie and have some nachos. Needless to say we were all so whooped from all the late nights we all crashed out during the movie! So, we headed home to get to bed. Guess I will catch up on the rest tomorrow, hopefully! It was a great girls weeked, that's for sure!!! More tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gotta Catch Up

Well, obviously I've missed a few days here! Girls weekend was a ton of fun and also included lots of late nights! I'm trying to catch up on my sleep, so I will hopefully catch up tomorrow with my blogs. I'm gonna try to sit down and recap the weekend. Too tired to do it tonight. So, off to bed I go and hopefully more tomorrow :-)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Fun Girls Day

Well, I tried to do this last night but wound up seriously falling asleep at the computer! Guess I needed to get to bed more than blog!! Friday was a great day! It started out with Mandy holding Brylee and her falling asleep on her, something so precious to moms! Then we decided it would be fun to go to Tim Hortons drive thru in our pajamas. Aunt Mandy and Brynn took pics of them freezing on the deck! (there was actually one of all 3 of us too, but it was terrible of me!) Then, Mandy and I headed out to do a teeny bit of shopping before heading over to Jen's house for lunch. We had a nice visit with her! She treated us to subs and donuts...yummy! Then we went over to get "little Mandi" off the bus. We got there a few minutes late, she was already off the bus. But she was still very surprised to see Aunt Mandy. We headed home to get Brynn and Brylee and go to Shannon's for dinner. Had to make a few stops along the was but finally made it over there. Brynn and "little Mandi" had alot of fun playing and the "big" girls had fun catching up. Keith met us there after work and Phil and Jen came over after Jen got out of work. We had a great dinner! The little girls watched a movie and had fun writing on Magna Doodles. Then it was time for Keith to head home with the girls so they could get to bed. We stayed a bit longer and had some good laughs. It was time to go around 10:30 since Shannon had to be up VERY early for work. Well, the timing was perfect because Mandy had found out earlier that day, while checking Melting Pots website, that they had a late night Chocolate only fondue from 11-12. Well, how could we pass that up when we would really be driving right past there to go home. So, you guessed it, we finished our great day with a bang!! Chocolate fondue!!!! It was soooo delicious!! And we had some great laughs!!! Mandy was crying from laughing so hard!! We both had choc all over us! It kept dripping on the table and we kept leaning in it! We really had a great time just being crazy! Can't wait for tonight!!!! Melting Pot for dinner! Yay! Guess that's about it. A fun filled day! Looking forward to shopping all day and more Melting Pot. More prob tomorrow, doubt I'll feel like blogging when I get home. I'll just be a half day behind for the weekend.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Girls Weekend Begins

Well, yesterday was an all around good day. Nothing too exciting during the day. I took Brynn to school as usual. She said she had a good day in school but her friends had a rough day, haha, not quite sure what that was all about. I went with my mom to get Ashley from pre-school. Came back and worked and went to pick Brynn up from school. Came home and cleaned a bit and then worked some more. Then got Mandy's bed ready for her and got changed to head off to the airport. Thank goodness I checked her flight status because she got in early! What a great way to start off the weekend! We went right from the airport to Phil's apt. Of course she would wanna see her brother after 3 or 4 months!! I know I would have been anctious to if it was me!! We waited for Phil's girlfriend Jen to get out of work and then headed to Sals for some wings and fingers. After we totally stuffed ourselves we went back to Phil's apt to watch a movie. Probably one of the dumbest cheasiest movie all of us had seen. So, once that was over we headed home. Keith had to come unlock the door for us cause I still didn't get a new house key made for myself. We sat around and talked for a bit and had some water(pic above) cause we were soooo thirsty from the salt from Sals. Then off to bed at about 2am. Great beginning to a great weekend! More later (hopefully, since I'm doing this Fri morn. Wasn't gonna blog at 2am knowing I had to be up at 6:15)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Daddy Came Home!!

Well, today was a good day. Brynn had a good morning getting ready for school, which is always a bonus! My mom and I went and got some groceries at Walmart, we spend half out lives there!! This afternoon I was able to go volunteer in Brynn's class which was lots of fun! We made skeletons out of Q-tips. They are learning about skeletons in class. It was lots of fun getting to know faces of the names I hear about. They were so cute and excited to have "Brynn's mom" in class. It was nice getting little hugs and hearing "Can I come work with you now?". I'm looking forward to being able to go in again. Oh, and Brynn got a Spotlight award for her coloring today. Mrs. Tripi, the class aid, started the award to try to get the kids to take their time coloring. So, Brynn got one of the 2 or 3 given out! We brought Austin home and Brynn played with him and Lidsay til they had to go home. Then we had some dinner and got ready to go to the airport to get daddy! Brynn was excited of course (so was I). So, Brynn and I headed out with her picture that she made for daddy (picture above) and Brylee stayed home with Nani so she could have her bottle. His flight was on time and we got his luggage and headed home. Daddy stayed home to put Brynn to bed after going on Webkins with her for a bit and I headed out to Praise Team practice at church. Now I'm hopefully gonna go tanning before cleaning up a bit for Mandy's visit. Gotta get her room ready :-) Tomorrow is the big day! Can't wait! Ok, guess that's all for today. More tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bump in the Middle of the Day

Well, another day is coming to an end. The morning was good. Brynn was really good and of course Brylee was. The day was good until I picked Brynn up from school. Today was one of those afternoons! From the second she walked into the caffeteria (where I pick her up in school) the complaining started. She wanted to go over by a friend, she wanted to sit down and on and on. Got to the car and it continued! So, I told her she was gonna take a nap when we got home. She didn't like that at all esp when she found out it was gonna be in her bed and not over at Nani's. So, we got home and she had a piece of bologna and up for a nap. I went up and got her up about an hour or hour and a half later and she was fine! She needed it apparently. So, usually when Keith is away I let her sleep with me, but not tonight. She lost that priviledge when she threw her fits! Learning sucks! Hopefully it will sink in soon!! Good thing is, the evening was much better! Now both girls are sleeping and peaceful. And I am def going to bed early tonight! I am so tired!! So, off to bed I go. More tomorrow.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Well, today didn't start out too great. Brynn had a meltdown before school. Just what I need esp when Keith is away! (not that I need it any day) But, the day got better as it went on. My mom and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and found a rug for my living room for $14.99!!! It's a bug improvement from the nasty stained one that was in here!!

So, I haven't told Keith that I got it. I wanna surprise him when he gets home. Hope he doesn't mind that I threw the old rug out! My mom and I got the old rug up and out the front door and my dad hauled it out to the trash tonight. The evening was very good. Brylee was a little fussier than normal but still not bad. I think she may be working on some teeth. Brylee and I went up to tuck Brynn in to bed. I set Brylee next to Brynn to go get the kids devotion book we read most nights. This is what I cute! Love these moments!

So, we finished putting Brynn to bed and came down so Brylee could eat. She had her bottle and went to sleep. I was able to get some laundry and things done. That was nice. Then I took Brylee up to bed. Today is a big day (at least I think it is). Brylee is sleeping in her crib not in her bassinette tonight! It's bittersweet. She is my baby (and I prob won't have anymore unless God has other ideas) so, of course, I don't want her to grow up so fast! Yet, I'm so glad that she is healthy and growing! With Keith being out of town, I don't trust myself to carry her up and down the stairs in her "carry me with you" bassinette. So, I figured it was a perfect time to make the change. She looks so small in that big crib! What a little angel!

One of our first "milestones" reached. Many more to come! Well, I guess I should get to bed. Every night I intend on getting to bed early and that's all it winds up being, an intention! So, I guess that's all for today. More tomorrow :-)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

An Overall Good Day

Well, today was a pretty good day. We had church today so Brylee wore her new dress and hat! SO stinkin cute! I used to put Brynn in hats once in awhile too and I loved them on her too. After our morning church we had to take Keith to the airport to go to Virginia for a couple days for a conference for work. Brynn had a bit of a hard time with daddy leaving! Then the girls and I went back for the afternoon service. Came home this afternoon and hung out for a bit. Then, after Papa came home from his meeting, we headed out to Pautlers (our favorite icecream spot) for some dinner and icecream. It was yummy as always! I got the girls to bed with some help from Nani. She watched Brylee so I could give Brynn a bath and tuck her in to bed and by the time I came back down Brylee was out. Daddy called just in time to say goodnight to Brynn. Then the adults got to watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition, one of our favorite shows! Funny thing, while we were watching TV someone knocked on my front door! For those of you who have been to my house you know we barely ever use our front door! My dad answered it and it was someone dropping something of to him. They didn't realize it was the wrong side of the house. Well, I'll tell you what, if my parents weren't over here I would have absolutely freaked out when they nocked! Chloe was going nuts of course! Anyway, it was kinda funny and I was so glad they were over here. So, I talked to Keith for a bit and got Brynn's lunch made and now sat down to do my blog. I think I'm gonna try to get to bed a bit early tonight. So, guess that's it for today. Not too crazy exciting. More tomorrow.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nothing Exciting to Say

Well, not too much exciting to say today. I headed off early this morning to do a wedding party. Thas was fun. It's always a nice change of pace to go to someones house to do hair. I guess while I was gone the girls were cuddling on the couch and Keith snapped a couple pics. So cute! If they stay liking each other this much it would be great! Don't know if we could be that blessed! It is so funny though because that little Brylee knows her sister like noone else! She watches her like a hawk. Keith hung out with the girls alot today while I did some grocery shopping with my mom. He will be headed out tomorrow to go to Virginia for a couple days for work. So, the girls weekend will probably be much needed by the time it rolls around. Actually, the girls have both been fairly easy to deal with these days. Let's hope it continues for at least the next few days!! Well, I'm gonna attempt to get to bed a bit early tonight. That's all for today. Like I said, nothing exciting to say. More tomorrow.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Pajama Day

Well, today was Brynn's pajama party at school. Of course I forgot to take pics of her this morning in her pjs before school :-( She loved every minute of it. It was so cute, when I dropped her off at school this morning a couple of her friends were walking in when we got by the door. They ran up to each other so excited that they were in their pjs and hugged and giggled. It was so cute to see how she interacts with her friends at school! Little Miss Brylee discovered her voice today! She started talkin awhile ago but it was funny cause it was such hard work and she almost acted as though it hurt her throat to talk. Well, today she discovered the "easy" way to talk. She was talkin up a storm all day!! And the facial expressions were so funny! (that's what she was doin in the one pic at the top) We decided to order dinner in tonight instead of going out like we usually do on Fri. Brynn wanted BBQ wings and thoroughly enjoyed them as you can see in her pics above. I got to go tanning and color my hair after dinner and now its time to give Keith a haircut. Then off to bed!! So much for getting to bed early! Well, that's it for today. More tomorrow :-)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Not much new

Well, no pictures for today. Nothing really exciting to write about. We had a good day. Brynn was very good! She is doing great in school and loves it. Tomorrow is her pajama party at school for her class. They have to earn points for good choices/behavior and they work towards different things(their last reward was a dance party). So, I went to Toys R Us and got her some new PJs to wear for her party. Hers were really getting too small and some of them are too summery to wear to school these days. I got a great deal and when I realized how cheap they were I went back and got more. $5 for PJs....can't go wrong. So, she is excited that she gets to go to school in her pajamas tomorrow. Maybe I'll earn a PJ day for myself for work! That would be fun!! I called today and made the reservations for Melting Pot for the Sat night Mandy is in town. That should be fun! A week from tonight we will be hanging out enjoying some girl time!!! Hopefully we will be out for a coffee or get Timmy's in and just chat away! So, other than some rinning around and grocery shopping, that's about it for today. I'm ready for bed! More tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Well, yesterday was the first day since I started blogging that I totally forgot to write! So, I will write today about what we did yesterday. Thankfully the weather held out so we could go to the pumpkin patch. We went to Badding Bros on Sun but Brylee was eating and didn't wind up in any of our pictures! So, we obviously needed some pics of the baby from her first fall festivities. So, off to the punpkin patch we went. We got some great pics and got a couple small pumpkins. We spent quite a bit of time looking for a good one to carve but they were either too big, not a good shape or had mold on them :-( So, we still need to get one to carve. There is a home down the street from us that sells pumpkins so we will probably head down there to get one sometime. It was a really nice time even though we didn't have alot of time to spend there. Today, nothing too exciting. Did some shopping, of course, what else do I do on my days off! Oh, and actually had a very productive afternoon. My mom and I worked on cleaning up my upstairs. It was a mess to say the least! We moved furniture around awhile ago and when we did stuff got tossed everywhere and I finally got the ambition to do alot of it today, with my mom's help. What would I do without her!!?? Trust me, there is still alot to be done but we made a HUGE dent in it! Brynn's room is done, Brylee's is close to being done, and in the family room you can actually see part of the futon again! I have til next Thurs to find the rest of it. Mandy needs a place to sleep when she is here for girls weekend :-) Can't wait!! It will be so great to just get to hang out without kids and catch up! I did get to go tanning tonight, yay! And got Dairy Queen after. Had to go to 2 different ones cause the one didn't have choc icecream and I wanted a twist cone!! I had my heart set on it so I went to the other DQ and got it!! Now, I am finishing off the day watching the much fun!! It's one of those things where you feel you have to watch so you don't miss anything but get so tired of the BS that goes on! This one is def better than the last one though. Well, I guess that's it for today (and yesterday). Now I'll just wait a bit to see if Mandy is able to IM. If not, off to bed I go. More tomorrow :-)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Crazy Columbus Day

Well, today was a fun but crazy day. We had 7 kids here playing not including Brylee. It was a bit of a zoo. They were actually really good for the most part. Best part was it was an absolutely gourgeous day outside so the kids were out from about 8:30am til their parents came fot them. Brian and Jen stayed til about 23o, which was really nice since we don't get to see them very often. Really not much else exciting today. I went tanning tonight with my parents :-) After I got back from tanning Keith and I were in the mood for icecream so off to Dairy Queen I went. So, nothing too exciting to report for today. Overall it was a very good day. Bye for now. More tomorrow :-) Nighty night

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fun with the Family

Well, today was an overall good day. We started out with a bit of Brynn's famous drama over, what else, clothes!! So, as you can see she was punished! We went to church and Brian and the fam came along. After church we decided go to the Badding Brothers Farm. We got to go on a hayride and go through a corn maze and the kids got to play in the cool play area they had there. We had lots of fun and the kids loved the play area!! We decided to get pizza wings and fingers for dinner tonight. Can you tell that Taylor fully enjoyed those!? So, after dinner we got to just hang out a bit and chat. The kids played the wii for a bit. They love that! Then it was bath time and off to bed for some and some did more chatting. Now, it's off to bed for me! I'm really tired and as usual feel like I may fall asleep sitting here. So, goodnight and more tomorrow!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Learning Experiences

Well, this morning we had the Annual Fun Run and Wellness walk for Brynn's school. I was supposed to work but was able to rearrange my appts so I could go. So, all four of us headed up to the high school to register and walk. Well, it was definately a learning experience. Brynn was afraid people were watching her when we were supposed to be warming up. I explained to her that people were more likely to watch her because she wasn't doing the warm ups than they would if she just did them. So, we maid it through the mile walk and at the end Brynn cried because, again, she thought people were watching her. So, we got our water and Brynn got an apple(this info will come in handy later in the blog) and we were heading home for me to start work. So, on the way home I talked to Brynn about the crying thing. I asked her if she saw a group of kids and one was crying who would she look at?? Of course her answer was the crying kid. So, I continued to explain that when she cries she is doing exactly what she doesn't want to happen, making people look at her even more. I said if you were not crying and people were looking at you they would prob be saying that little girl did so good...and if you are crying they would prob say look at that little brat! So, learning experience for Brynn. Then after we got home, Brynn had a major meltdown over changing her pants! Well, we have been trying to figure out what may cause these random fits of rage that she has been having a bit lately and it seems that it may be apples/apple juice that does this to her. We have been thinking back on the past monthe or so and it really seems there may be a connnection there. So, I guess we just try to keep her away for the apples for a git and see if she has any fits of rage! Learning experience for mommy and daddy. Later in the afternoon the girls went over to see Nani and Papa. The girls had fun messing around with Papa. Brylee esp loves her Papa!! After dinner Brian and Jen came up with the kids. Unfortunately Brynn had to go to bed before they got. here or she would have been miserable tomorrow. So, off to bed she went and then awhile later they arrived. We had fun sitting around chatting. Well, once again I am falling asleep sitting here blogging. So, bye for now....more tomorrow!!