Monday, December 1, 2008

Perfect Timing!!

Well, today was a pretty good day. Brynn is such a good big sister! She held Brylee for us while Keith was getting ready for work and I was getting Brylee's bottle warmed up. They are so cute together! Brylee just loves her big sister. I love to watch them interact! We headed out to take Brynn to school and Brylee and I went with my mom to have her blood work done. We decided to go to Bob Evan's for breakfast...yummy!!

Later in the day I was made aware that Mandy got her package I sent her. I saw her comment on facebook and then was told to read her blog. You can see what it said. I'm so glad that it was perfect timing and showed up on a day that she really needed a smile. Funny thing is, I paid for priority mail which was supposed to be there by Sat at the latest. I was a little aggrivated that she hadn't gotten it until today. But when I found out how perfect the timing was, I realized it was for the best! I wish the Bills were doing better so the magnets would have been a more exciting! Oh well, what else is new! So, speaking of teams not doing so well...Keith and I got to go to the Sabres game tonight. He got box seats from work. It was fun but def not good! We lost 2-0!!! It was 0-0 until the 3rd period! Glad we didn't pay for the tickets!! Of course I forgot my camera for the game. Well, that's about it for today. More tomorrow!

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