Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More fun painting

Well, I don't have any pics for today. It was generally a good day. My mom, Brylee and I took Brynn to school and then headed out for some grocery shopping and other errands. We took the groceries home, fed Brylee and headed out again. This afternoon I volunteered in Brynn's class again. More life size elf painting today. It was messy but fun! We came home and Brynn played with Austin and Lindsay for a bit. She wound up getting in trouble and was sent over here to our side. She wasn't very happy about that! I started feeling kinda crappy this afternoon and def got a cold. Keith got home late from work today so we didn't have much time together. Shortly after he got home I headed out to church for prayer meeting and praise team practice. After practice mom and I went tanning. Came home, checked the computer (of course!) and did some dishes. And that is about it for my exciting day. Right now I am the only one awake and am listening to Brylee making all kinds of sounds in her sleep! It is sooo funny! If I ever get a camera with video that has sound on it I can post it on here. Oh well, I am off to bed to try to sleep off a bit of this cold! More tomorrow.

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