Monday, December 29, 2008

Once again....waaaay too much to catch up!!!

Well, once again I have been a total slacker! It has been so busy with the holidays I just haven't taken the time to sit down and do this. I decided to bake this year, which I don't normally do, because I absolutely love my sis in laws cutouts and wasn't gonna see her this year to get any. So, that meant if I wanted any, I had to make my own. It was alot of fun but def hard on the back and time consuming! So, needless to say, I did't get much blogging done! We had a nice Christmas. It wasn't too crazy, which was nice. We went to Keith's parent's on Christmas Eve day and then out to dinner with my parents and the A's from church to Outback at night. It was delicious! Christmas day we opened presents with my parents in the morning and they headed off to Hal and Gail's for the day. We stayed home til about 3:30 and then headed over to Keith's parents before going to his cousin's house. That was alot of fun! They (his cousins) bought and totally remodelled his grandma's house. WOW, is it ever beautiful!!! What a difference! You would never know it's the same house. Anyway, nothin too exciting lately. We had quite the wind storm yesterday and were without power for about 9hrs (although we have a generator). Church was cancelled because they were without power as well. So, we had a bunch of people over for a gathering at our house and had a little feast. We were supposed to have a pot luck dinner so they brought their dishes and we had ours for a nice pot luck lunch at home. So, now we are looking forward to a new year. Hopefully it will be a good one! This past year definately had it's joys along with it's share of difficult times. I'll wait to reflect til either New Year's Eve or Day. I'll try to take some time and post pics and reflect :-) And hopefully now I can keep up with this. I will try Mandy :-) Guess that's it for today. More tomorrow....hopefully!

1 comment:

Finding my JOY ~ M said...

I love your new background! Don't mean to bug you about your blogging. Just wanted you to know that I check it everday! Hope you guys have a nice new years eve. Love ya