Sunday, December 7, 2008

Great Day....Bad Night!

Well, today we went over to Keith's parent's after church to celebrate Jon's 30th birthday. It's technically not until the 15th but we had to celebrate today. So, this is a pic of Jon with his gift/gifts from us. We decided that it would be fun to give Jon 30 different things and of each dif thing give him 30 of it. We do have pics of him opening all 30 items but that would take up way too much space and bore you. Some of the things we did were....30 squares of toilet paper, paper clips, tacks, m&ms, skittles, gummy worms, lots of dif types of candy, nails, pencils, markers, mini packs of tissues, happy birthdays (cut out 30 "happy birthdays" from a roll of party crepe paper) and many other things. They were all numbered so he had to open them in order (just for something fun to do). The last gift to open was 30 $1 bills all rolled individually and rubber banded.

So, it was a fun day celebrating Jon getting old! He really enjoyed his gift which made it well worth the time and effort put in to it. It was fun to do!!

Tonight, on the other hand! I have had better. Little Miss Brynn woke up around 11:15 with mess in her pants. Of course there was lots of drama with that because her bottom hurt. So, you can guess what happened. Brylee woke up!! Well, then she thought it was play time. Then she got mad cause we put saline drops in her nose for her stuffy nose. So, it was fun getting her back to bed! Of course this all went down in a matter of about a half hour but you know how it is when you are dealing with a seems like an eternity!! I wanted to ring Brynn's neck! If they only knew the extent of the drama they create! They have no idea!! Of course now, 10 mins later, it really doesn't seem that bad, and probably wasn't. It seemed like it at the time though! Oh well, now they are quiet as can be, sleeping away. When you look at them sleeping, they look so sweet and innocent and you almost forget the bad things....almost :-)

I guess that's about it for our exciting day. Now it's time for bed for me too! Gotta get rested up so I can deal with any drama that may come tomorrow. Don't do well on not much sleep. My patience is bad enough with sleep, it's really bad with not much sleep! So, off to bed I go. More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Finding my JOY ~ M said...

Sounds like a night in my house!!!