Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Not much new

Well, today was a good day. I took Brynn to school this morning and shortly after I got home I got a call from her teacher. I was afraid she was sick and I needed to pick her up. Nope, she was asking if I could come in and help in her class because they had a cancellation last minute. So, I headed in to help out. It was fun! Of course I forgot my camera!! We painted life size elves of the kids. I go in again tomorrow to help. Not sure if we are doing the same thing or something different. So, I had to work a bit today which wasn't bad at all. Tonight Brynn and Brylee were snuggled in the rocking chair again. Look at the first pic...Can you tell they are sisters...LOL!! So, Mandy did the elfyourself thing today which is soooo hilarious!! I spent a good part of my evening try to make one for my bro and his fam. Finally got it done. The website wasn't cooperating! Anyway, Keith gave Brynn her bath and up to bed she went (after I was done messing around with the computer!). Then I headed out to go tanning with my mom.

Now, I'm messin around on the computer again and this is what is next to me on the couch?! Two sleepy heads!!!
Well, guess that's about it for today. Not too much exciting. That's ok though! More tomorrow :-)

1 comment:

Finding my JOY ~ M said...

I love the pictures from today!