Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nothing too exciting

Well, once again, no pics for today. I know I'm slacking a bit in that area but at least I'm doing my blog. Really, there isn't too much exciting to say today. I did a little shopping this morning for Brylee. I had some rewards money and coupons so I was able to get her 6 outfits for around $18! I guess that, in and of itself, is exciting. Then I had to work for a bit, pick Brynn up from school and work for a bit more. My brother Roger and his fam stopped in for a bit on their way home from Maine. I didn't get to see too much of them cause I was working. Brynn got to play with Becca and Nicole a bit so she was excited. Tonight I pretty much crashed out on the couch and just woke up. I figured I better do my blog before heading up to bed so I don't get out of the habit yet again. So, off to bed I go! As I said, nothing too exciting. More tomorrow.

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