Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Needing prayers for a friend

Well, I once again got the lecture from Mandy...LOL. Not really a lecture but the's been ?? days since your last blog. She keeps me accountable :-) I don't have any pics from today and am so far behind again that I can't catch up from the week past. One of the days hilights...Brynn got to wear PJs to school today. Once of the kids in her class's father came in to read them the Polar Express. Then in the afternoon they got to watch the movie. My mom, Brylee and I got some more Christmas shopping done. I wanted to finish today but of course have a few little things to get. I would really like to be done by Fri at the latest! Now it's all the wrapping to do! Ugggg!

Now, on to the reason for my title today. Not to put a damper on everyone's Christmas cheer, but one of my customers/friends needs our prayer along with her mother! My customer Cathy Rondinelli's mother Linda had an brain aneurysm on Sun morning about 3am. She is in a coma right now. Apparently it was to the back lobe of her brain which means it did some damage to her brain stem. They are draining fluid and hoping that when some of the pressure is relieved and the bruising of the brain stem heals that she will come around a bit. They have no idea at this point what her prognosas is. She is responding to lower body pain stimulation but no upper body at this point. I just can't imagine what the family is going through, esp at this time of year. It's obviously never a good time but seems as though it is a bit worse when it's around the holidays. So, please pray for Cathy and her family and her mom Linda. I'm sooo sad for what they are going through! Wish I could take some of the pain and concern away!

Again, sorry to put a damper on things, but sometimes it helps us put our lives into prospective. I know what we deal with is enough for us right now and seems so challenging and hard at times, but it is good, at times, to be able to, it could be so much worse. I guess it just should make us enjoy every moment we have with our families because you never know when your world could be turned upside down. God has a plan for all of us, we just don't know what it is. (aren't you glad you asked me to blog Mandy! haha I've probably totally brought you down...sorry!) I just really would like to get as many people as I can praying for these people. They are such wonderful people.

Ok, enough sad stuff. On a happier note, tomorrow is Brynn's Christmas party at school and I get to help out. I'm gonna try to remember my camera so I can post pics tomorrow night on my blog and facebook. I'm excited, it should be fun! Hope you are all surviving the craziness of the Christmas season! Guess that's it for now. More tomorrow, hopefully :-)

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