Sunday, December 7, 2008

Two Fun Nights

Friday night we had alot of fun. We had a game night at church for the young adults. It was a good time! We got pizza and wings and just hung out for a bit and then played some games. We played Mad Gab, which is one of my favorites, and some people played the Wii on the big screen. Some played Monopoly, the new version. We left before some of the others since we needed to get the girls home to bed. It was really nice to laugh and have fun!

Tonight, well kinda last night (it's after midnight), we went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Keith, my dad and I went. My mom watched the girls. We got 3 tickets from Keith's work to sit in the box for the show. It was absolutely incredible!! Definately hope to go again next year!!

I guess my mom had an interesting night while we were out. Brylee kept scratching her neck so she decided to clip her nails. Well, I guess she cut the end of Brylee's thumb on accident. Of course Brylee was crying. Then Brynn started in. She apparently went and got the bandaids and told my mom to put one on her. My mom said she didn't need one. Brynn then says, "We need to take her to the hospital. She is the youngest member of our family and you cut her!" She is sooo hilarious!! Then apparently my mom finally got Brylee to stay asleep in her pack-n-play and went over to take her meds. Well, Brynn poked her finger on what she called a pin and started screaming. Well, you can guess what happened. Brylee woke up! Poor mom!! What a zoo! Oh well, she was able to laugh about it.

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