Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A visit with friends

Well, I'm writing my blog for yesterday since I'm sure I will have plenty to write later for my reflections on the last year. Yesterday I worked for a bit in the morning and then we (Brynn and I) got to go to Kidz Play to meet up with some friends that moved away and are back in town for a visit. Maria and the girls planned to meet up with all their friends to play so they could visit with everyone since they are only in for a couple days. We will hopefully get to see them tomorrow for coffee or lunch before they head home. We were supposed to meet up with them today but Brynn woke up this morning with another touch of pink eye! Thank God we still have the drops from a week and a half ago when she had it. So, we started the drops again and hopefully it will go away quickly! Today, I'm gonna make some cutouts and snowball cookies to take to our church game night tonight. Oh, and we may have some company later...Sam (who I went to school with in Syr) is gonna be in Blo today visiting some inlaw family and may stop over for a visit. That would be nice! My mom and his mom are best friends, so I'm sure she would love to see him! It is a beautiful snowy day out, and I mean that! I love a fresh coat of's soooo pretty!!! Well, guess that's it for now. Hopefully I will find the time either later today or tomorrow morning to do some reflecting on the past year. So, more later or tomorrow :-)

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