Thursday, January 1, 2009


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I guess since I'm actually still pretty wide awake I will start my reflections on the past year. If I start to get too sleepy, I'll have to finish tomorrow. So, I posted some pics and decided I will do the first half of the year now and finish the 2nd half later. The first picture shows probably the most exciting thing we were waiting for this year...our precious little Brylee (in my tummy). The next is the fam in Florida on our wonderful vacation to visit my BFF Mandy. Can't wait to get a new fam picture in Fl with Brylee(not in my tummy)! The next pic is of all of us at the Bandits National Championship victory game!!! We got season tickets last year to the Bandits for the first time and what a treat that was!! National Champs!!!! Brylee was at every game with us...LOL! Of course the next group of pics is the great arrival of little Bry girl. The first few we are waiting...patiently?? Then she finally arrived! What a precious little bundle of joy she is! Brynn, as you can see from the pic, is such a proud and loving big sister!!! Couldn't ask for better!! Then we have our very first family picture in the special care nursery, waiting for Brylee to get the clear to come down with us! She was such a strong little girl and only had to be up there for not even 24hrs at one month early. And of course we wouldn't miss the 4th of July celebration with our adopted family...haha! Look forward to it every year! Brynn was there at one week old and now Brylee was there at 3 weeks old. Gotta start the traditions young!! So, that is a brief summary of the first half of our year. So many good times I can't go into detail but this helps to hilight some of the most noteworthy times. Of course we don't want any pics to show the bad times...haha. Although I may have a good one (or 2) of Brynn in the 2nd half of the year. I'll see what I can find :-) So, the first half was spent waiting for our baby girl and the 2nd half was spent enjoying her. More tomorrow to show that side of the story :-) Sooo thankful for another year gone by and for the many joys and hard times (they are what make us stronger and better as people, even though it doesn't seem it at the time!) Thank you to God for all the many blessings you have given us this year and the strength to handle the many challenges! It is soooo good to know that our lives are in your hands!

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