Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thankful for the good and the not so good

Well, today I had alot to be thankful for!

The good...

I'm thankful for...
A nice morning taking Brynn and the neighbor kids to school with Brylee and some doughnuts (for the class party) in tow! The sun was shining and life was good!
A nice ride in the truck to take some things out to Papa at church that he had forgotten at home.
A little time to get a bit more cleaning done upstairs which was cut short with some better, more fun plans.
An adorable sight when I peaked out from the shower curtain to see Brylee and Chloe watching a movie on her portable DVD player in the bathroom (she has to stay in there with me...can't be trusted!)
A great ride out to meet daddy for lunch with Brylee.
A yummy lunch out :-) Rueben :-)
A peaceful ride home with a stop at a great little store I found out about at lunch.
A beautiful day to go outside and pick up a whole winter's worth of dog poop while Brylee napped. WOW, there was alot to clean up!!
A nice couple hrs of work with some great clients, while listening to the girls enjoy the mild weather out on the front deck :-)
A very yummy dinner that mom prepared...corned beef and cabbage!! (and I didn't have to cook!)
A nice trip for icecream to Dairy Queen with Nani and Papa!
And, soon...time to chill on the couch and watch some TV after both girls are in bed (one down, one to go)

The not so good...

I'm thankful for...
A testy little 2 year old, who likes to challenge every answer she doesn't like these days! She thinks if she keeps asking the same question you'll eventually say yes. Or, if she asks someone else they may say yes :-)
A moody 2nd grade girl who likes to complain about what she doesn't get to do instead of being thankful for what she does get to do!
A chance for me to better learn how to deal with these 2 lovely little ladies :-)
A battle within myself struggling to see where I fit/don't fit into certain peoples lives.

So, all in all it was a great day with a few typical challenges! But, I am thankful for each and every challenge even though they can be frustrating. I am thankful because every circustance is a chance for both them and myself to learn something. I am thankful that my girls are healthy enough to give me a hard time!! I am thankful that even though I struggle with certain relationships in life, I am so blessed to have some that I don't have to struggle with. I am blessed with a wonderful family and a wonderful best friend who has encouraged me to BE THANKFUL IN EVERYTHING!!!!


Finding my JOY ~ M said...

Good Stuff!!! How fun is it to always be on the look out for all the little treasures that surround us:)well other than the dog poop, you dont want that surrounding you!!

DRae said...

I forgot to put that in my blog! Because the funny things is, as I was picking up all that dog poop I was thinking how thankful I was for a healthy dog that can make all those messes!!