Monday, March 21, 2011

The end is in sight!!

Today I am thankful for bins! Yes, I said bins! I have been working on cleaning up my upstairs for quite some time now. Unfortunately, it was just such an unorganized disaster that I felt completely overwhelmed everytime I went up to work on it. I would get a bit done and it would look like I barely made a dent! So, yesterday I got the idea to go get some plastic bins and just put a bunch of the clothes and shoes that do not have a home in them. This way, it makes the room look much neater and I can conquer one bin at a time when I can. It may not be the most logical way to do it bit I'll tell you what...I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I could see a HUGE amount of progress!! I still have quite a ways to go between our room and the girl's but it is sooooo much better than it was! And, I feel like I can work on the important areas for now. So, I am very thankful for my plastic bins that "hide" my mess for now and make it much easier to take on one at a time!

The rest of my day presented some challenges. However, those challenges are nothing compared to what some people are going through! This blog has helped me to realize that even though my days may not be a walk in the park and I may not always be able to see the good in every situation right away, when I step back and think about it...things aren't so bad! Hopefully soon I can learn to see it before having to take a step back!! I have some lessons to learn and I have a feeling that until I show some marked progress, God will keep testing me. Learning how to handle and diffuse situations with the girls without losing my cool is my constant battle. Some days are better than others.

I will continue on my quest...becoming a more thankful me :-)

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