Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A nice heart to heart

So, this morning I was on facebook and "happened" to catch my BFF on chat. (when I say happened, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason) Needless to say I was much in need of some encouragement and adjustments in my prospective on things. I think it's pretty funny that we haven't been able to catch each other on here for any length of time in quite awhile, but this morning...when I needed it most, she was there!! SO, she had a fabulous idea to kind of change up our blogs a bit and use them to try to focus on things that make us smile and things that we can be thankful for (which really is everything...good and bad). So, I guess this is a good way to kind of keep us accountable in focusing on the positive in things...everything! There are times that we all are going to feel like life just sucks! And, that it totally normal and human! But, I think the key is trying to find the good and happy side of things! I have learned over the past couple years in dealing with Brylee's seisures that even though that is stressful and very hard to deal with at times, it can always be worse!! Not to minimize it, because no matter what we go through it seems enough at the time! But, I guess I just mean I have been able to put it in prospective. I know that it could be SO much worse! I'm so thankful that all in all she is a happy healthy little girl and I can be so thankful that it is only something we have to deal with once in awhile. And, it is not a "serious" condition! It doesn't harm her and she will outgrow it. Anyway, I just use that as an example to say that even in that I can be thankful!!

So, I guess what brought this all about is that when I'm feeling down or not appreciated or not what I would like to be, I can be thankful anyways!! I can find good in every situation! And, I'm so glad that God has blessed me with a best friend who is helping me do that! And is helping me love myself for who I am and for who God made me :-) I don't need to measure up to anyone in this worlds standards! I need to measure up to God's standards and be a better me from the inside out! Thanks Mandy for helping me through this challenge! And for holdling me accountable in being a happier more thankful me :-)

1 Theselonians 5:16 & 18 Be joyful always; give thanks in all circustances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

To be clear on what these verses mean, we don't have to be thankful FOR everything but IN everything. So even though something bad may happen, we can be thankful for things IN the situation while not necessarily being happy FOR the situation.

So, I'm happy to be taking this challenge with you Mandy! And going to try to be joyful and thankful more each day!! I'm going to try to see the good in everything and make the best out of this life God has given us :-) Thank you for helping me and for loving me for me :-)

1 comment:

Finding my JOY ~ M said...

You said it perfectly this morning when you said God makes no mistakes its all in what we do with what comes our way.