Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Small things

Sometimes it's the small things that make us smile. This morning I started a new check list system with Brynn at the suggestion of some friends. It worked like a charm! I'm sure it will probably get old and we will have our days but she loved it and so did I!! She said "mom, I got ready alot faster with my check list!" and she did! It was so nice to hear her listing off her tasks for the morning and going and checking them off as they were done. Asking a few questions where needed but there was no yelling and screaming to hurry up and get out the door! Brylee was her usual silly self today. I was telling her that daddy had to take Chloe to the doggy Dr. to get her bottom fixed (she has an absess) and she says "Chloe will take her pants off! No, Chloe doesn't have pants!". The things that go through her head and then come out of her mouth!! What a trip! Then I go to put her dinner in the microwave and turn back around and there she is...up on top of the kitchen counter!! Climbed up all by herself! What a little stink pot! Proud as could be! Chloe did awesome at the vet tonight! Got her some meds to hopefully resolve the situation and lower the pain. She is such a good girl and perfect for our family! So, I have lots of small things to be thankful for today! I could list many more, but it's time for bed!!

Still striving to be a more thankful me! Seems to be helping me to focus more on happy things and not staying so focused on the little things that get me down or frustrated. I've always been pretty good at finding good in bad's not getting so hung up on the daily frustrations that I struggle with. Kinda crazy that I do better in the "bad" situations!

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