Friday, March 18, 2011

Another day of ups and downs

In the grand scheme of things today was an ok day. It was a bit challenging at times, to say the least, but when you sit back and put it in prospective...all in all a pretty good day.

Brynn was off school today, which presents its own set of challenges. Brylee loves having her sister home, but as most siblings do...they wind up butting heads a bit from time to time. They did pretty good playing together. But, as I said yesterday, they are both struggling with their own issues. I really do have to be thankful that, even though they both can drive me up a wall at times, they both respond quite well to discipline. What is most frustrating to me is that they are both smart girls, but a bit slow at learning that they won't get away with things. Of course, who am I to talk!! I'm a bit of a slow learner at times myself!! So, while I was ready to rip my hair out several times today, I am thankful for my 2 testy ladies!! In between the trying times are lots of laughs and smiles and silly things! We got to get outside a little and enjoy the sunshine. Got to go for a yummy dinner with Nani and Papa. And, got to do a little shoe shopping.

Another thing to be thankful for today is that I got to clear up some things with a good friend of mine. We were having some miscommunication issues and finally got to set things straight. So, that felt pretty good and I was glad to get it cleared up a bit.

And, to wind up the day...I am thankful for 2 beautiful girls who very rarely give me a problem with going to bed!! When it's bed time, up they go. Of course after having to go over and say night night to Nani and Papa and a little bit of typical stalling. But after that, they head on up those stairs and prayers are said and off to sleep they go. It's so fun to sit and watch Brylee in the video monitor in bed winding down. She usually sings away for a bit before finally settling in to sleep. We don't often get an un-interrupted night of sleep, but I am blessed that it is typically just a potty run, a drink needed or to be covered back up with the blanky.

So, even in a day where I had plenty of moments that I wanted to just throw my hands up and call it quits, I can find lots to be thankful for. I am so glad to be doing this blog because it really forces me throughout the day to think about what in each situation I can be thankful for. I know at the end of the day I have to write about it :-) It is definately still very challenging and today I lost my cool plenty of times, but I am so glad that even in those aggrivating moments I can and need to find some good in it. Sometimes it may be harder than others! So here I am, still trying to be a more thankful me :-)

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