Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Health and Home and Safety

As the title says...today I am thankful for Health and Home and Safety.

Health....Today I had to go pick Brynn up from school early. The nurse had said that she had gotten sick and wasn't feeling well. Well, when I got there to pick her up I found out that she hadn't gotten sick. She had a tummy ache and was feeling very blah and tired but that was it. Thankfully, we came home and she laid down for a bit...asked for some lunch and after that was good as new. Not nearly as bad as I had anticipated from the info given to me.

Home....I was able to get quite a bit more done in my upstairs today! Still have a bit to do but definately made quite a bit of progress. I feel like my bedroom is starting to look like a nice bedroom instead of a closet that exploded. Have more to do tomorrow and hopefully can conquer some of the girls bedroom too! Maybe when it's all done I can post pics. I feel like I am finally de-cluttering the house and finding a place for things...even if it's temporary home is a bin.

Safety....As I was working on the upstairs and putting some laundry away I heard Brynn say from the other room "How did you get up there?". So, out of the closet I came to find little miss Brylee up on the top bunk!! Yup, she had climbed up there all by herself and was very proud of it!! She is one of those kids that on a daily basis I wonder how she doesn't get hurt more often. I think she has a guardian angel that works overtime!!!

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