Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nothing too excting...just life

Well, nothing too exciting to talk about. Just been living life. Actually, I haven't blogged since last week. So, I do have a little talk about. This past weekend we went to Pennsylvania for my brother's 40th b-day party. I may have said that we were going in my last blog (can't remember). The trip went REALLY well!! We left Fri morning just after Brylee's first feeding. We had to stop several times, between feedings and bathroom stops, but we made it there in plenty of time for the party and with no drama!! I was really nervous that Brylee was gonna get sick of being in her car seat. She did great!! We brought 2 DVD players for the girls, and let me tell you, they were a life saver!! We didn't hear much at all from the 3rd row...Brynn was zoned to hers! And when Brylee woke up she watched hers and loved it. Brian was very surprised and very happy that we came. He thanked us all several times for coming. Sat we got to just hang out at Brian and Jen's house, which was really nice. It was great to feel so welcome and just chill out. She made a Thanksgiving dinner for us and it was delicious!! Sun morning we left after Bry's feeding again and the way home was almost as good as the way down! Brylee got a little fussy so we pulled off and got her out for a little break. And then at the very end was wanting to be done but didn't get very fussy at all! The girls were both sooo good!! Then Mon morn Keith had to be at the airport at 5:30am to go to Alabama and came home Tues night. Fri night is the next Bandits game so hopefully we will have more pics from that! Well, I guess that's about it for now. I'll have to get the camera out more often and post some pics next time! Hopefully more tomorrow but can't promise.

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