Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bandits 09 season begins!!!

Well, tonight was the first game of the 2009 Bandits season. We got our season tickets again this year. As you can see, we get all decked out for the games. If you have ever been to a game, you know that people go all out to get decked out. We are mild compared to some of the fans! It really is a fun game to watch and the players are awesome! For those of you who may not know, they were National champs last year!!! WOOHOO!!! So, they hung the flag tonight at the Arena before the game! It was really cool! Hopefully they will do as well this year!! Anyway, we won tonight!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Let's go Bandits!!


Shannon said...

brylee looks way to cute in her stylish pink "earmuffs"!! love it, it looks like you guys had a great time! i myself have never been to a bandits game, but its a sporting event in buffalo, im sure everyone has a blast!

DRae said...

thanks! they worked awesome!! you have no idea!! it is soooo much fun! way more fun than even a sabres game! they are very crowd ineractive and very fast moving! its a blast!