Friday, January 9, 2009

It's been awhile...again.

This time I have a good excuse, at least I think I do. I've been working on another blog with my BFF Mandy. It's actually really cool!!! She woke up on New Year's morning with this new idea in her head to do a blog on her journey this year in trying to learn more about God, being the best mom you can be and having a healthier lifestyle. So, I was invited along on her journey along with a few other girls. The cool thing is, all the "girls" that joined are in totally different fases of life right now. I say that is cool because we can all really learn from each other. Some of us are more grounded in our faith, some are newer in their faith and ready to learn, some of us our moms, some of us are grandmas, and some are married with no kids. What I am noticing already is that it's great for those of us who are somewhat grounded in our faith to be on a journey with those who are newer to faith, their excitement to learn and know more is contageous and helps those of us who may have just kinda gotten comfortable where we are to now wanna learn more and study more so we can help them learn (wow, that was a mouthful...hope you got all that!). And that is why I haven't been doing too much on my personal blog lately. I've been postin daily devotions on the new blog page and sometimes it's enough to get that on there. This week was a bit busy and I'm hoping now that the holidays are over and this week is almost over I will be able to get it together and post on both blogs most of the time.

Well, I have a busy weekend ahead of me so I may not be able to post until Sunday. Guess that's it for now. Gotta get ready for the day.


T-Ro said...

D-Rae....this is so cool to follow you guys like this...its like stalking except no one knows and its legal :0)
I'm so excited to be a part of this journey with you and I'm learning so much about blogging. I can see its a good thing that I only work part time because this is like a part time job except its way more fun!! I can't wait to see just where God takes us all and thank you for inviting me along!!

DRae said...

I know, I love this blog thing! It's great too for seeing what out of town people like Mandy are up to each day. It makes you feel like you are part of their world, and of course people like us who wish we could but don't see each other all the time. Glad you are joining us!! This is gonna be great!