Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bandits-Game #2

Well, tonight was the 2nd home Bandits game. For this one, Keith actually got box seats from his work so we gave our seats to someone else and too advantage of one of the perks from his company. So, befor the game we had a little photo shoot for some family pics :-)

Brynn was thoroughly enjoying her IBC root beer and we thought it was kinda funny that it looked like our 5 yr old was drinking a beer! Parent of the year award there!!

Then of course later, mommy was having an IBC and Brylee(octopus) decided that she would like to grab it and try to chew on the bottle head. A great teething tool!
The game was AWESOME!!!!!! We played Rochester Knighthawks and kicked their butts!!! (not only in the score, but seriously kicked their butts!) We won 23-6 and there were some pretty awesome fights! In one of the fights, our player threw a punch that just completely leveled the guy from Rochester. It was sweet! I know, violence violence. But it sure makes the game exciting! We even scored a goal being 2 men down! Now that's what I call an awesome team. I'm thinking the media and people in Blo need to revel in the fact that Blo does have at least one good sports team! Unfortunately, they don't seem to get quite as much recognition as we would like. We were the National champs last year, but of course, unless you knew someone who is a fan or happened to see the tiny clip on the news, you probably had no idea that Blo had a team that was National champs!! Oh well, we were there and got to see it and let me tell you, IT WAS AWESOME!! I'm hoping that, with a game like last night's, we are well on our way to another this year!!!! Well, guess I've bored you all enough with my Bandits talk. Mandy, if you are ever here in the winter (which I doubt you will wanna do) we will have to take you to a game!!! Guess that's it for now.


Finding my JOY ~ M said...

Love the pict. w/ the root beer bottles! Way to cute. I have to agree with you they are good for teething baby's.. Well maybe not good for them but they like them! Lucia used to love to chew on the "root beer" bottles...!!!

DRae said...

I took those just for you! I thought of you as soon as I saw Brynn sitting there with the bottle...LOL!!