Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving #2 Nov 28

So, today was our Thanksgiving #2. The morning was spent at home getting ready to go over to Grammi and Grampy's house to celebrate with them and Uncle Jon and Aunt Corinne. Brynn decided to try on some of Nani's old glasses!Aint she a beauty! So, we headed out around 12 ish. We took over all the leftovers from yesterday and I made turkey in gravy for hot turkey was so yummy (if I do say so myself!). We also had the cold turkey there for cold sandwiches and all the leftover sides as well. It was very good. A few hours later we had some desert....delicious!!! Grammi supplied the desert! Then we headed home for the night. These pics are the girls cuddling up on the recliner watching a movie again. Just love it!!!

Don't have any pics from over at the inlaws...Keith just took video and pics with the video camera. Oh well. Well, that's about it for today. We are just hanging out waitin for Brylee's last feeding so we can put the girls to bed. Then we will attempt to watch the movie we rented yesterday and tried to watch last night. I was out cold in about 5 mins or less on the couch! I have a problem staying awake for movies!!! We'll try again! If it doesn't work we will have to try it during the day...maybe I could actually stay awake....maybe :-) Guess that's all for now. I will try really hard to keep up with this...for those of you who have commented on my neglect of blogging (Mandy and Shannon...haha). More tomorrow....hopefully!!!!

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