Saturday, November 29, 2008

Decorating for Christmas

Ok, so last night Brynn came down complaining of a stomach ache. I was afraid she was getting the flu and didn't want her upstairs without us so, I let her fall asleep on the couch. Chloe decided to join her :-)
Keith has always said he doesn't have the right curves for Brylee to feel comfy and fall asleep on him. Well, this morning he discovered he did...just in a dif spot than mine and Nani's. She looks pretty comfy to me :-) Well, today we decided to decorate for Christmas. Brylee was loving the tree and likes the view from her pack-n-play. Later in the evening Brynn made a beach for Brylee. The blue blanket was the clouds, the boppy was the sand and the other blanket was the water (according to Brynn). And the last pic is my lovely tree. I went and got some new decorations for it today. Love finding things cheap (or should I say inexpensive). It came out great!

We did some cleaning up tonight. Got alot done but still lots more to do. The upstairs is quite the task to undertake! So, Brynn decided that since her tummy ache earned her a place on the couch last night, she was gonna try it again! Yeah, didn't work out so good for her tonight. I don't mind giving in every now and then, but 2 nights in a're pushin it!! So, the girls are both sound asleep and Keith and I are both on our computers :-) I need to get to bed soon but wanted to write this before I crash out on the couch. Guess that's it for today. More tomorrow.


Finding my JOY ~ M said...

I love Brylee's beach!!! Your tree looks great! I'm so excited about the Christmas season this year! Enjoy your pretty ornamints this year cuz next year Miss Brylee will be mobile!!!!! Love and miss you guys!

DRae said...

Haha, I was thinking about that when I was decorating! Brynn never really got into things but we may be in for it with Brylee! It will be interesting next year!