Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving #1 Nov. 27

Well, I obviously have been slacking on the whole blog thing and am waaaaaay to far behind to even think about catching up! So, I'll start with Thanksgiving and hopefully keep up from here on out. I actually have a pic or two to post from a couple days ago of the girls. I was working and my mom called me over to her side to see something really cute. This is what I saw.

They were watching a movie and cuddled up in a blanket. So cute! Love these cute sister moments! Hope they will always be close like this! They do this alot and I love it!

Ok, so Thanksgiving was good! We had a somewhat quiet one. It was just us and my parents this year. Dinner was good and we had a relaxing day at home.

Brynn and Papa spent part of the morning playing games. Then it was time for dinner.

So, the theme of the day seemed to be relaxing, as you can see! Everyone enjoyed just chillin out...including Chloe. The pillow princess :-) So, overall it was a nice day!

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