Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Happy Birthday Mandy! This post is just for you for your birthday! I wish we were there to celebrate your birthday with you!!! Hope you really enjoy your day! I'm wondering if the birthday fairy showed up with that present for you??!! I will be sending out a gift for you soon. Sorry it won't be there on time! I'm a little behind. I did get my taxes done though...LOL!! Well, hope you have a great day! Miss you tons!! And maybe just for you for your birthday I'll try to keep up with this blog a little more. I'm better with keeping up on facebook :-) Love you!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bandits-Game #2

Well, tonight was the 2nd home Bandits game. For this one, Keith actually got box seats from his work so we gave our seats to someone else and too advantage of one of the perks from his company. So, befor the game we had a little photo shoot for some family pics :-)

Brynn was thoroughly enjoying her IBC root beer and we thought it was kinda funny that it looked like our 5 yr old was drinking a beer! Parent of the year award there!!

Then of course later, mommy was having an IBC and Brylee(octopus) decided that she would like to grab it and try to chew on the bottle head. A great teething tool!
The game was AWESOME!!!!!! We played Rochester Knighthawks and kicked their butts!!! (not only in the score, but seriously kicked their butts!) We won 23-6 and there were some pretty awesome fights! In one of the fights, our player threw a punch that just completely leveled the guy from Rochester. It was sweet! I know, violence violence. But it sure makes the game exciting! We even scored a goal being 2 men down! Now that's what I call an awesome team. I'm thinking the media and people in Blo need to revel in the fact that Blo does have at least one good sports team! Unfortunately, they don't seem to get quite as much recognition as we would like. We were the National champs last year, but of course, unless you knew someone who is a fan or happened to see the tiny clip on the news, you probably had no idea that Blo had a team that was National champs!! Oh well, we were there and got to see it and let me tell you, IT WAS AWESOME!! I'm hoping that, with a game like last night's, we are well on our way to another this year!!!! Well, guess I've bored you all enough with my Bandits talk. Mandy, if you are ever here in the winter (which I doubt you will wanna do) we will have to take you to a game!!! Guess that's it for now.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nothing too excting...just life

Well, nothing too exciting to talk about. Just been living life. Actually, I haven't blogged since last week. So, I do have a little talk about. This past weekend we went to Pennsylvania for my brother's 40th b-day party. I may have said that we were going in my last blog (can't remember). The trip went REALLY well!! We left Fri morning just after Brylee's first feeding. We had to stop several times, between feedings and bathroom stops, but we made it there in plenty of time for the party and with no drama!! I was really nervous that Brylee was gonna get sick of being in her car seat. She did great!! We brought 2 DVD players for the girls, and let me tell you, they were a life saver!! We didn't hear much at all from the 3rd row...Brynn was zoned to hers! And when Brylee woke up she watched hers and loved it. Brian was very surprised and very happy that we came. He thanked us all several times for coming. Sat we got to just hang out at Brian and Jen's house, which was really nice. It was great to feel so welcome and just chill out. She made a Thanksgiving dinner for us and it was delicious!! Sun morning we left after Bry's feeding again and the way home was almost as good as the way down! Brylee got a little fussy so we pulled off and got her out for a little break. And then at the very end was wanting to be done but didn't get very fussy at all! The girls were both sooo good!! Then Mon morn Keith had to be at the airport at 5:30am to go to Alabama and came home Tues night. Fri night is the next Bandits game so hopefully we will have more pics from that! Well, I guess that's about it for now. I'll have to get the camera out more often and post some pics next time! Hopefully more tomorrow but can't promise.

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's been awhile...again.

This time I have a good excuse, at least I think I do. I've been working on another blog with my BFF Mandy. It's actually really cool!!! She woke up on New Year's morning with this new idea in her head to do a blog on her journey this year in trying to learn more about God, being the best mom you can be and having a healthier lifestyle. So, I was invited along on her journey along with a few other girls. The cool thing is, all the "girls" that joined are in totally different fases of life right now. I say that is cool because we can all really learn from each other. Some of us are more grounded in our faith, some are newer in their faith and ready to learn, some of us our moms, some of us are grandmas, and some are married with no kids. What I am noticing already is that it's great for those of us who are somewhat grounded in our faith to be on a journey with those who are newer to faith, their excitement to learn and know more is contageous and helps those of us who may have just kinda gotten comfortable where we are to now wanna learn more and study more so we can help them learn (wow, that was a mouthful...hope you got all that!). And that is why I haven't been doing too much on my personal blog lately. I've been postin daily devotions on the new blog page and sometimes it's enough to get that on there. This week was a bit busy and I'm hoping now that the holidays are over and this week is almost over I will be able to get it together and post on both blogs most of the time.

Well, I have a busy weekend ahead of me so I may not be able to post until Sunday. Guess that's it for now. Gotta get ready for the day.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bandits 09 season begins!!!

Well, tonight was the first game of the 2009 Bandits season. We got our season tickets again this year. As you can see, we get all decked out for the games. If you have ever been to a game, you know that people go all out to get decked out. We are mild compared to some of the fans! It really is a fun game to watch and the players are awesome! For those of you who may not know, they were National champs last year!!! WOOHOO!!! So, they hung the flag tonight at the Arena before the game! It was really cool! Hopefully they will do as well this year!! Anyway, we won tonight!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Let's go Bandits!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I guess since I'm actually still pretty wide awake I will start my reflections on the past year. If I start to get too sleepy, I'll have to finish tomorrow. So, I posted some pics and decided I will do the first half of the year now and finish the 2nd half later. The first picture shows probably the most exciting thing we were waiting for this year...our precious little Brylee (in my tummy). The next is the fam in Florida on our wonderful vacation to visit my BFF Mandy. Can't wait to get a new fam picture in Fl with Brylee(not in my tummy)! The next pic is of all of us at the Bandits National Championship victory game!!! We got season tickets last year to the Bandits for the first time and what a treat that was!! National Champs!!!! Brylee was at every game with us...LOL! Of course the next group of pics is the great arrival of little Bry girl. The first few we are waiting...patiently?? Then she finally arrived! What a precious little bundle of joy she is! Brynn, as you can see from the pic, is such a proud and loving big sister!!! Couldn't ask for better!! Then we have our very first family picture in the special care nursery, waiting for Brylee to get the clear to come down with us! She was such a strong little girl and only had to be up there for not even 24hrs at one month early. And of course we wouldn't miss the 4th of July celebration with our adopted family...haha! Look forward to it every year! Brynn was there at one week old and now Brylee was there at 3 weeks old. Gotta start the traditions young!! So, that is a brief summary of the first half of our year. So many good times I can't go into detail but this helps to hilight some of the most noteworthy times. Of course we don't want any pics to show the bad times...haha. Although I may have a good one (or 2) of Brynn in the 2nd half of the year. I'll see what I can find :-) So, the first half was spent waiting for our baby girl and the 2nd half was spent enjoying her. More tomorrow to show that side of the story :-) Sooo thankful for another year gone by and for the many joys and hard times (they are what make us stronger and better as people, even though it doesn't seem it at the time!) Thank you to God for all the many blessings you have given us this year and the strength to handle the many challenges! It is soooo good to know that our lives are in your hands!